Why do I need a landscape design?

A landscape design is essential in creating a flowing, functional, and healthy yard.  A designer will use concepts like balance, repetition, texture, form, flow, rhythm, and color to ensure a yard and garden that is pleasing to the eye as well as functional.  A knowledgeable horticulturist will choose plants that are appropriate for each location around the yard, taking into consideration available space, sun exposure, moisture, and micro-climates caused by surrounding structures.  He or she will also seamlessly blend the hardscape with the landscape and help you create whatever desired look you’re trying to accomplish.

What is Xeriscape and does it mean I’m going to only be able to plant cactus?

Xeri is derived from the Latin word “xeros” which means dry.  Xeriscaping for Colorado means choosing plants that can handle a dryer environment, mulching our gardens so less water evaporates and watering low and slow, so most of the water gets to the root of the plant.  Colorado State University has a great list of xeriphytic annuals and perennials  as well as  shrubs and trees and many of them are colorful, interesting, and not cactis!